Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So....I really don't have oooh wait yes I do my laptop is working again :D isn't that happyness and uh...I had a fun weekend? kinda maybe...sorta... :D

I'm bored at the moment so here is a random video that is amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0YW1u4hl7c

hmmmmmmmmmmmm oooh I babysat my grandpa's dog the pooter on Friday, here's a pic of Sara and pooter togehter sorry that it's blurry neither one would hold still damned mutts
At the moment, Peanut girl is napping and sara is gazing out the window stupidly OMG i just remembered Hell's Kitchen is on tonight I freaking love that show it kicks all sorts of assage...I can't think of anything else to say so bye :D

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